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first things first....WELCOME BACK TRACKER JINAAB!! While i'm glad you're back, you're only going to disagree with what we saima fans are talking about, so in a way i'm a little upset that you're back. LOL. (J/k). you're opinion is always appreciated by me, you know that!
secondly miss reema, I MISSED THE LARKI PUNJABAN SONG ON PTV!!!!! SHIT!!!!!! I've been combing that channel day and night in hopes of seeing anything related to nusrat, humaira, or lollywood, and once in a while they'll show me something! but i completely missed the song which you speak of. DAMNIT!!!!! and they showed saima too?!! CRAP! i'm not changing the channel from this day forward. lol. i'm glad saima looked good. thanks for filling me in..
as for the remake of umrao jaan, i heard that 2-3 directors are making sassi punno, and heer ranja. so sayed noor went another direction and decided to make umrao jaan. the lead is a big mystery. apparently, every lollywood actress is vying for that role. the two frontrunners are meera, and who else (since its a sayed noor movie) SAIMA!!!!! in my humble opinion, this role BELONGS to saima. i honestly don't see any of these newer actresses filling the role of an age old character. saima fits the bill 2 a tee! i hope noor goes with his usual pick!
and as for your movie...i would definately go to see it! i trust your views based on our discussions! lol. so i would go and see your movie! good luck! [;)]
and finally, your comment on talent in actresses in lollywood...once again you're 110% RIGHT! there's plenty of talent. if these people would just give lollywood a chance....!
Age: 125
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Preeto, you can download the drama song (aye zindagee), from simply click on fariha pervez's name, and its in her new album, PIYA.
i hated fariha pervez until i saw her sing this same song on a show called dream saturday. i instantly downloaded it, and i'm a fan of her's now. lol!
Age: 125
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quaid-e-azam wanted a modern pakistan with pakistani people who are proud to be pakistani! not a pakistan with people who are trying to be like those in the west, with their clothes, their attitude towards religion and so on. he wanted a modern pakistan with ORIGINALITY, AND CULTURE. not a pakistan which accepts certain western beliefs (ie: wear what you please in an islamic country).
Age: 125
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these people r pakistani?? and these pics are taken in pakistan??? holy cow. what ever happend to good old fashioned salvaar kameezes for some of these broads??? lol.
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laaj will take the cake, in my opinion. but how come ya'll 4get abt larki punjaban????!!! its coming out soon too u know?! and its got improved production like all these movies.
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shahrukh're 100% right. this movie looks to take the top spot after YDAKH.
if people don't like THIS movie...i'm not sure what we are looking for. lol. judging by the stills, it looks amazing.
but am i the only one who thinks that larki punjaban will do good too????!! its another movie which looks real good, and the story is SOMEWHAT similar to this one. hopefully that will be huge for lollywood as well.
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good points reema!
slowly but surely lollywood movies are getting better in quality both musically and production wize (picture, sound, locations etc.). prime examples are upcoming movies like larki punjaban, pehla pehla pyar, salakhein, laaj, and the much rumoured remake of umrao jaan! we're doing okay if u ask me...
and as for saima not taking a break...another valid point! these other actors/actresses stick around, so why not saima?!! her name carries a lot of stock for pakistani film-go-ers, and so pairing it with a big movie such as the ones mentioned above could mean excellent business for lollywood!
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from what i was told, and from what i read, humayon gujjar was the biggest punjabi movie (money maker/smash hit) since chooriyan. however after watching it, i came to the conclusion that it was good, but not THAT good! if not for the music, and shaan, the movie is average in my opinion.
don't get me wrong...the movie is very good. but it is kind of over-rated. don't let that stop you from watching it tho. it is definately worth watching.
and it did not come in a cd case. i belive all vcd movies come in 2's.
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i wouldn't call lollywood movies bakwaas. lol. repetitive, yes, but bakwaas, no! and bollywood movies are repetitive too. the ones that aren't are usually hollywood remakes. lol.
since both industries are currently struggling...u know what they should do?! (it probably won't happened, but its worth imagining)....they should pool their resources: india's money/actors, and pakistan's music directors/actors, and make one big epic!! then maybe both sides can force on another into coming up with a unique idea which will appeal to all.
think about it...a movie for the masses with shahrukh khan, madhuri, shaan and saima!! the writing's on the wall for a blockbuster! lol.
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2 discs.
the ending is sad tho. actually its kind of stupid. lol. would u like to know, or do u want to wait to see it yourself?! i won't spoil it for
Age: 125
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MYPAK, i just finished watching humayon gujjar. its a very good movie! shaan does an amazing job, and saima is her usual self yet again. moammar comes and goes every once in a while, but he does a great job too. altho the story is good...u can clearly see that the movie was a hit due to the songs. they were great.
as for the rest of the vcd's, my parents still have not came back from lahore!! when they do, i'll get them insha'allah!
and in my opinion, daku rani was a little better than sultana daku. two reasons: was educational. and secondly as u know, in pakistani movies, the ladies mostly are there for decoration! but in daku rani, saima took center stage, and she showed what an amzazing actress she is, and she showed her versatility. my favorite scene was when she was crying over her sister's body, after having been beaten up by the bad guys. WOW..great acting. she should have won an oscar! lol.
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let me guess...u watched it on PTV prime?! SAME HERE!! lol. the dynamic duo were pretty good, don't u think?! my favorite scene was when shaan was in court and he gave that emotional speech. now i know why he rules lollywood!! excellent acting.
and mypak....i JUST got humayon gujjar and a humaira arshad vcd!! i will watch them both and fill u in later!
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mypak i just realized...
you said that YDAKH did not have saima and it was a hit. DID have moammar in it!!! and he is one of the big 3 names - Shaan, Saima, and Moammar!! it is a common fact among every director in lollywood that in order to have a hit movie all u need is ONE of the 3 names and it will be a hit!!! so u see mypak...u DO need a big name to have a blockbuster movie!!! naybe not saima, but definately one of the big 3!!
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lol. glad i make u laugh my friend!
you're right MYPAK, you don't NEED big actors all the time, but having their name on any movie draws more people.
for example....for me, if i saw a board for 2 new movies and both of them have the same storyline which is fresh, and they both have outstanding picturization, and good sound quality etc., but different star casts...i would choose to see the one with the bigger actors! just my opinion. so saima IS needed! lol.
but u're stars need a chance, so i guess saima could sit this one out. lol. however don't bet on the movie being as big as it could be, is she WAS in it!
as for the come punjabi movies don't make digital movies?!??
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shahrukh jee, kithnee dafaa yeh exuse use karain gey log (ganaa acha tha, thabhi to copy keyaa hai)???? ek ganaa ho gaya - teek hai...2 ganay - phir bhi teek hai...3 ganay....even 10 ganay! lekin india ney 100+ songs copy kiya hain, aur ketein hain key ganaa HUMARA APNA HAI!!! fine you have a habbit of copying for whatever reason, but ATEAST give credit where credit is due. you can only use the exuse for so long before it gets tiring. and everyone will notice...india copies countless songs, but they can't repeat the success that the original song and its original pakistani singer have had.
and i agree with mr. YDAKH 100% abt the movies and our songs that have been ripped off of....!
Age: 125
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lol. mr. shahrukh...for me....lollywood is the best, regardless of where they stand. who cares if they can't make movies with big budgets?!!? not me. who cares if we don't have younger hero's and heroines?!!? not me. who cares if our quality is a little worse than india's?! i sure don't. for me...the plain and simple fact that the actors and actresses are pakistani is enough, for me to support them and watch their movies. if the movie is the same old stuff (gujjar's etc.) so what?!??!! i happend to enjoy it! lollywood jaisay bhi hai aaj doesn't matter! lollywood is the best!! lol.
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even tho in comparison to indian movies, our urdu movies are not as good (picture/quality wise), how come our punjabi movies are even worse?! why can't the picture be as clear in a punjabi movie as it is in our urdu movies?! so i agree that the next big movie should be punjabi. that being said can't have a successful punjabi movie without you know who!!! (saima)! so i disagree there...saima has to be in it, in my opinion! she'll take her break AFTER this proposed movie. lol.
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bollywood......copy songs??? you're kidding....not them...they're the most creative industry this planet has seen! theire movies are SO fresh, and their songs...don't even go there! lol.[;)] (j/k).
vintage bollywood: copy a hollywood story, a lollywood soundtrack, and claim its a bollywood ORIGINAL! lol. when pressed on the music and why it sounds so much like pakistan artisits music they reply...."we don't copy....we're too proud to copy....we use their (pakistani) music as "inspiration"" LOL....yeah right...inspiration.
ustaad nusrat fateh ali khan said it best: it hurts that we (pakistani's, and him specifically) spend months upon months creating amazing music, and india takes 5 minutes to steal it, only take the same amount of credit if not more.
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lol. thank you. i don't understand how guys or even girls my age CAN'T like lollywood?!! its the best! all they need to do is give it a chance, and they'd be surprised at how good a movie we pakistani's can make!
the host of public boltee hai is a joker! he's great. we both share the same first name...just another reason why he's cool with me! lol.
as for humaira arshad's new ablum, i cant wait till it comes out. and you're right...the new video is kick-ass! did u know she learned her trait (singing) from another one of my favorites, ustaad nusrat fateh ali khan?!!! thats y i like her so much...she respects her seniors, and she's not like most of these new singers. she has some class! wouldn't u agree?!
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really..i had no idea that ghusa was gunnah..shame on me i guess. lol. i don't get angry often tho, but rest assure, i've been agered for the last time, after hearing this!
over here in the Great White North, international satellites are illegal for some odd reason. however when i herd that PTV was available on a certain system, i stormed out and bought one! lol. so 2 answer your question, although its not legal, i DO get PTV over here in canada!! u're right...the religion shows are very much needed and are extremely informative. my favorite show however is Public Boltee Hai!! I love how the host tours lahore and catches people off-gaurd. LOL.
as for how old i'am...21 years young, thank you! not shy at all! lol.
oh yeah....u said u 2 were a humaira arshad fan right?! any idea on when her next album is coming out???!!
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can't wait 2 see humayon gujjar! u have any idea who the song "paindee barsat ve" is picturised on?? saima or sana? just curious...
you're right about lollywood slowly getting better by trying to bring major issues into their movies, and educate the people. mendhi wale hath was an outstanding movie. the songs were great as well. this new movie bandish should be good too. i had no idea getting angry was bad in islam?? i guess the movie will fill me in....
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you're right shujaslam. good point...
making movies is okay, but again, there has to be limits. most actresses dance in the rain and go even further than indian actresses in some cases. this is wrong...
as far as touching're right about that too, but its kind of hard 2 make a movie without some form of contact between the hero and heroine. altho its wrong...i don't think its THAT bad. as long as they're not all over each other, a handshake here, a tap there...this is okay, atleast for me... lol.
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has anyone heard of the new movie "bandish" coming out?! its got the dynamic duo (shaan, saima) resham, shafqat cheema and a host of others in it. it deals with anger, and how its haraam in islam to get angry. apparently, the director says two or three scenes are VERY emotional, and resham has outdone herself. should be interesting........
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my family's from lahore! i recently went there and belive it or not, its not that easy to bump into these stars! 99.9% of them live in model town time i go...i'm making a trip 2 that area of lahore! lol.
as for the phase you guys r going thru....LOL. i have boycotted all bollywood movies for quite some time now. after hearing one too many copied songs, i lost ALOT of respect for them, and stopped watching their movies altogether. but my sisters have continue to watch, and they claim the same thing u do....bollywood movies are getting repetitive and boring!
its funny isn't it?! people (pakistani's fact MOSTLY pakistani's) complain that lollywood is getting repetitive and their stories are the same again and again. u would expect more from bollywood what with their BIG-ASS budgets and "bigger name" stars, right?!! but no...they continue to rip off of other people's work. shameless!! lol.
the next movie i see within the week, is going to be humayon gujjar! now THAT should be good...!
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yep. that song is a lollywood copy. and there is another song in the same movie. there is a verse or section in that song which is a DIRECT copy of ustaad nusrat fateh ali khan's afreen afreen. the chorus is their own (i think...which is a surprise!) but the verse is sung to the tune of nusrat's song. nothing new here....typical bollywood.
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desidude.....bro, i don't get what you're tryin 2 say. lol.
i said Islam DOES NOT stop us from having religion does (stops us from having fun). by that, i meant it is okay for actors/actresses to make movies, and its okay for us to watch them, end of story. where do sports come into this??? lol.
the question posted was: "do you think the movie indistry should be allowed in pakistan...."
to which i answered YES IT IS OKAY...islam is not against making movies, if they're clean. movies simply entertain people, regardless if they become couch potatoes (and not much of become couch potatoes by watching a movie here and there!) bottom line...sports got nuthin 2 do with this, all-star. but you're right...sports r also fun, and islam ain't against THAT either!!